Peeter Meeter
Oil on canvas /Õli lõuendil Okt.2019 50 x 70 cm I'll just wash her ....... Honestly.
A fox who loves clean food ......
"After party"
Chicken selfie. Õli lõuendil/ Oil on canvas 30x40 cm 2019 (After the party, the fox is feeling very bad, but the chicken wants to get a picture of it, so that later he can influence the fox with this picture.) (Pärast pidu on rebase enesetunne väga halb, kuid kana soovib sellest pilti saada, et hiljem saaks ta selle pildiga rebasele käkki keerata.) |
VigriVahtkummist modell 30 x 24 cm Õli, lõuend / Oil on canvas 2018 |